“Exhibitions are very important part of the overall marketing mix” -Michael Mandl

In his first and “EXCLUSIVE” talk with Prachi Sharma of TFT; Michael Mandl, the CEO of Reed Exhibitions appears to be surmised and clear in his answers relating to the India Cold Chain Event and the Industry.
Transcript of the Q and A follows.


TFT: What is the importance of exhibitions in today’s modern times? How is India Cold Chain unique in relation to different exhibitions?
Michael: Exhibitions are the ideal stage where demands meet supply, so we at Reed Exhibitions comprehend ourselves as a relationship intermediary; we are simply attempting to unite people who need to make business with one another. India Cold Chain Show is a certain show about cold storage, cold transport and cold supply chain. We have a very good buzz on the floor. We see a great deal of interest at this moment in India for the Cold Chain Industry and we are simply attempting to give and unite the right individuals making business together and with each another.

TFT: How has this expo been unique in relation to other exhibitions taking place across the world and how is Reed Exhibitions diverse?
Michael: Reed Exhibitions is following the principal that it is essential to be specific about exhibitions, no cross sector exhibitions, it must be one topic , it must be a product very specific about the exhibitors who are displaying at the show. So this Cold Chain Show it’s a particular one, in light of the fact that this event is a part of the general logistics industry yet devoted to the Cold Chain Storage, supply and transport as I said earlier. So the pattern going into this direction, have specific show on specific topic, on specific vertical so we are simply following the pattern, which our clients are asking.

TFT: Which are the other nations participating in this edition?
Michael: We have roundabout 10 countries. We have a big Dutch pavilion exhibiting here with 10 exhibitors from Netherlands who are seeking opportunities in India and they are very confident that they have a lot of opportunities here. We have Chinese exhibitors, we have exhibitors from Italy, and one of our main sponsors is from Italy doing a lot of business here, and obviously a lot of Indian companies who form joint ventures with foreign partners here. So overall a very bright international participation in a nutshell.

TFT: What are the numbers of exhibitors that are participating this year?
Michael: The number of exhibitors participating this year is almost 150 compared to last year’s 115.

TFT: What is the total footfall count?
Michael: The footfall this year has been a staggering 100,000 + visitors.

TFT: What has been the growth pattern of the show over the years vis a vis footfall, square meters, and number of exhibitors?
Michael: In terms of footfall, increase in space and number of exhibitors, we have generated twofold digits development throughout the last 3 – 4 years.

TFT: And what was the volume of business generated in current year?
Michael: The volume of business has seen a development of the years, having said that we are not revealing any financial numbers.

TFT: India is an extremely potential marketplace. What can exhibitors take from here in regards to business?
Michael: All in all, I think clearly they are at presently a lot of industries are growing. Looking at manufacturing, transport, infrastructure, where you see GDP development in these particular verticals of 8 to 10 percent in India, thus, there are evident open doors. If you speak to some of the exhibitors here, for example, commercial vehicle companies they see a trend that companies are currently buying bigger and bigger trucks because they have to transport more, because they have more business going on so that’s the way how it is going. For International exhibitors, obviously it’s a good opportunity to find domestic local partners if they are interested in doing business. So I think it’s an important requirement to have a local partner so they are looking for distributors for joint venture partners and as far as I understand they are quite successful in finding them.
TFT: Your take on exhibitions as a marketing tool ?
Michael: It’s really and very important part of the overall marketing mix for every company in the world. It has to have a lot of strategic planning, so in exhibitions you can’t plan one day prior to the show, it needs to be planned carefully, also that you are really properly prepared for attending an exhibition and then obviously it’s up to us also to bring in the right visitors, the right target group and match demand and supply. It has matched before and has been a very successful recipe for all the participants.