Messe Muenchen India partners with CNT Expositions to launch ‘Additive Manufacturing Insight’

Messe Muenchen India partners with CNT Expositions to launch ‘Additive Manufacturing Insight’

[dropcap]In[/dropcap] a new launch, Messe Muenchen India will join hands in 2017 with CNT Expositions and Services LLP to bring new insights in additive manufacturing technology to India’s manufacturing industry. Jointly they will organize the B2B oriented ‘Additive Manufacturing Insight’ (AMI), an international conference and pavilion on additive manufacturing technology where attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the state-of-the-art in 3D printing and latest technological advances in 3D printers and its application for the Indian market.

Lasers are the central tool in 3D printing, which is just on the cusp of industrial production. Reason enough to give each of these two areas of innovation their own special conference at the LASER World of PHOTONICS INDIA.

On this occasion, Mr. Bhupinder Singh, CEO of Messe Muenchen India said: “We are confident that the additive manufacturing is a futuristic market and will grow enormously. We are delighted to partner with CNT Expositions and are hopeful of a positive outcome from this collaboration.”

Mr. Aditya Chandavarkar, Partner at CNT Expositions and Services LLP adds: “Additive Manufacturing is proving to be great enabling technology for various industries with major impact seen in Automotive, Aerospace and Medical. We at CNT are happy to collaborate with Messe Muenchen India to create Additive Manufacturing Insight (AMI) co-located with LASER World of PHOTONICS INDIA. AMI, will bring together technology leaders, key users and practitioners of additive manufacturing to create an interactive ecosystem for facilitation of business in India.”

According to Wohlers report 2016, manufacturing amounts to $12.8 trillion of the global economy and at $5.2 billion (in 2015) additive manufacturing represented about 0.041%. If additive manufacturing grows to capture just 5% of this global market as predicted by 3D printing experts around the world, it would become a $640 billion industry.  The market for 3D printer prototyping and materials in India is projected to reach over $62 million by 2022. The market potential appears to be tremendous.

Media Contact at Messe München India: Siddharth Narain, +91-9971600355 or