India's Pioneer Media on TradeFairs

Central Africa is the market of the future

TFT -Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of glasstec. What would you like to say about the 25th year of glasstec? JZ - We are with glasstec almost since the beginning. The 25th anniversary of glasstec this year, for sure, is going to be…


Dear Readers The Trade F​air ​Ti​me​s​ July edition consist​s ​of ​major ​national and international news related to exhibition and event industry and has variety of Q and A’s with organizers of India during  IEIA seminar 2018 in…

NMIE 2018 Glimpse

Vendor development program at Times Of India Navi Mumbai Industrial Expo 2018 by Western Railways, Mumbai Port Trust, National Small Industries Corporation ( NSIC) and Yes Bank.


Dear Readers,  June edition is in your grasp. Before I start writing my editorial, I would like to congratulate all the exhibition industry professionals a very happy Global Exhibition Day 2018, being media partner of GED2018, TFTV will…